Rent a boat Movie recording

Boot huren Maastricht. Motorboot Miró
Boat rental for a Movie recording on the Miró is possible for up to 25 persons. This ship sails here: Maas. The homeport of this ship is Maastricht.
Boot huren Stavoren. Tjalk Wending
Boat rental for a Movie recording on the Wending is possible for up to 26 persons. This ship sails here: IJsselmeer, Ketelmeer, Frisian lakes, Sneekermeer, Friese wouden, Fluessen, Hegemer Mar, Waddenzee. The homeport of this ship is Stavoren.
Boot huren Monnickendam. Klipper Arthur van Schendel
Boat rental for a Movie recording on the Arthur van Schendel is possible for up to 29 persons. This ship sails here: Amsterdam, The IJ, IJsselmeer, IJmeer / Pampus, the Markermeer, Waddenzee. The homeport of this ship is Monnickendam.
Boot huren Enkhuizen. Klipper Nieuwe Maen
Boat rental for a Movie recording on the Nieuwe Maen is possible for up to 30 persons. This ship sails here: IJsselmeer, Oosterschelde, Haringvliet, Westerschelde, Waddenzee. The homeport of this ship is Enkhuizen.
Boat rental Stavoren. Clipper Rea Klif
Boat rental for a Movie recording on the Rea Klif is possible for up to 30 persons. This ship sails here: IJsselmeer, IJmeer / Pampus, Frisian lakes, the Markermeer. The homeport of this ship is Stavoren.
Boot huren Muiden. Tjalk Nieuwe Zorg
Boat rental for a Movie recording on the Nieuwe Zorg is possible for up to 30 persons. This ship sails here: IJsselmeer, IJmeer / Pampus, the Markermeer, Waddenzee. The homeport of this ship is Muiden.
Boot huren Harlingen. Aak Alida
Boat rental for a Movie recording on the Alida is possible for up to 30 persons. This ship sails here: IJsselmeer, Frisian lakes, Waddenzee. The homeport of this ship is Harlingen.
Boot huren Monnickendam. Tjalk Orion
Boat rental for a Movie recording on the Orion is possible for up to 34 persons. This ship sails here: The IJ, IJsselmeer, IJmeer / Pampus, the Markermeer, Waddenzee. The homeport of this ship is Monnickendam.
Boot huren Hellevoetsluis. Klipper Linquenda II
Boat rental for a Movie recording on the Linquenda II is possible for up to 35 persons. This ship sails here: South Holland. The homeport of this ship is Hellevoetsluis.
Boot huren Antwerpen (stad). Tjalk Hannus
Boat rental for a Movie recording on the Hannus is possible for up to 35 persons. This ship sails here: Westerschelde, Zealand. The homeport of this ship is Antwerpen (stad).
Boot huren Monnickendam. Klipper Catharina van Mijdrecht
Boat rental for a Movie recording on the Catharina van Mijdrecht is possible for up to 35 persons. This ship sails here: The IJ, IJsselmeer, IJmeer / Pampus. The homeport of this ship is Monnickendam.
Boot huren Amsterdam. Sloep Barracuda
Boat rental for a Movie recording on the Barracuda is possible for up to 38 persons. This ship sails here: Amsterdam canal cruise, The IJ. The homeport of this ship is Amsterdam.
